宏利投資管理深信,收益投資在2024年及以後將繼續扮演重要角色。宏利投資管理提供一系列收益方案,包括固定收益投資以至多元資產投資。這些方案涵蓋傳統固定收益、另類收益、股票收益及多元資產收益等領域。此外,我們透過主動資產配置,考慮風險平衡,為客戶謀求合適的收益水平 — 我們認為並非所有收益資產皆盡相同,因此不會單純追求高收益。相反,我們專注於每單位風險回報(夏普比率),並透過投資於多元化的傳統和非傳統收益來源,締造穩定、可持續和一致的收益。
Cash is king 「現金是王道」?
在市況波動和加息環境下,投資者很容易把儲蓄存入銀行以策安全。此舉不但可將損失資金的風險降至最低,亦可賺取較高的名義利率,似乎百利而無一害。 俗語有云:Cash is king「現金存款是王道」,事實又是否如此?
輕鬆駕馭波動市 善用平均成本法
面對波動市況,如投資者想減低波幅,參與具長線增長潛力的投資,或可考慮採取全自動的投資策略 ── 平均成本法。
Hong Kong/Mainland China market update
Mainland China’s Third Plenum 2024 concluded with structural reforms in key areas, and the government introduced some concrete measures. The Greater China Equities Team believes that mainland China is focusing not only on long-term structural reform but also on short-term economic targets. The series of fiscal and monetary announcements, along with greater subsidies and infrastructure spending, should support a faster recovery in domestic demand.
Better income – Aim for higher, not the highest
If we focus too much on chasing the highest yield and upfront yield generation, we could suffer from early capital depletion and miss the total return opportunity towards the later stages of the investment journey.
Better income: Global multi-asset diversified income
The Global Multi-Asset Diversified Income approach remains focused on generating higher, sustainable natural yields from a range of assets with lower correlations and expected relatively lower volatilities.