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Manage your expenses but don’t forget retirement planning 

7 September 2021

By the time you hit 30, it’s time to establish personal goals and think about self-development. Some people may choose to start a family and embark on a new chapter in their life. However, the cost of hosting a wedding, having kids, and buying property should not be taken lightly. Considering the huge expenses at this stage of life, budgets need to be balanced.


With this in mind, it’s worth adhering to the following principles of wealth management:

1. Establish a budget

As your marital status and family structure change, recurring family expenses will increase, but it is often difficult to assess the precise amount. A holistic view of your financial position can be obtained by establishing a budget that lists:

  • Monthly income – salary and other sources of income, such as investments.
  • Monthly expenses – mortgage and car payments, support for parents and children, or insurance payments. 

The primary objective is to achieve a balance between income and expenses.


2. Identify new sources of income and reduce expenses

If you don’t have enough to cover necessary expenses, you need to explore other ways to boost your income (e.g. find a new job or your spouse re-joins the workforce) while eliminating any non-essential outlay such as entertainment, clothing, eating out, or going on long trips.


3. Early planning for retirement

Even if you have money to spare at the end of the month, you should spend it in moderation. Plan for your retirement by investing any savings without compromising your quality of life. After starting a family, your retirement plan is no longer a personal matter. Goals, budgets, and investment strategies may have to be adjusted. Financial pressures often intensify if either you or your spouse is unemployed. Apart from covering family expenses, budgets must also be prepared for your post-retirement life. 

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