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Calendar Year Performance Source: Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited and FE fundinfo (Hong Kong) Limited, NAV to NAV, in denominated currency, dividends reinvested.

Where no past performance is shown, there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance.

If the share class of the fund has been launched for less than 5 years, please refer to the fund factsheet for the performance information calculated from the launch date to the end of launch year.

Investment involves risk. Fund prices may go down as well as up. Past performance figures shown are not indicative of future performance. You should not make investment decision solely based on the information in this website.

Please take notice that information provided in this website is for your reference only, and should not be relied upon as investment advice, or regarded as a substitute for detailed investment advice or as a substitute for detailed investment advice in individual cases. Manulife (including its affiliates) and its directors and employees shall not be liable for (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) any damages arising from any person's reliance on such information as investment advice.

All curves shown in the above chart are solely for reference purposes. If investors use the chart for comparison purpose, only "like-with-like" comparison is deemed relevant. The risk/return level is different among the funds. Investors should consider the risk/return level of the fund for comparison.

The fund risk rating model is formulated in compliance with the risk-based approach advocated by most financial regulators in the developed markets. The risk levels from 1 to 5 rank investment funds from the most conservative to the most aggressive ones as a result of different risks which are categorized into the following:

(i)   quantifiable factors such as currency risk, interest rate risk, equity price risk, fund price risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and operational risk; and

(ii)  non-quantifiable factors such as reputational risk, legal risk and strategic risk. 

The quantifiable factors contribute to the calculation of a single integrated extreme loss which is mapped to a reference rating scale to form an indicated risk level that is compared with the minimum risk level determined with reference to the non-quantifiable factors or regulatory requirements.  The final risk level in principle is the calculated risk level above or equal to the minimum risk level, with the overall rating reasonableness and peer comparisons taken into account.

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